Architects: PT. Urbane Indonesia
Location: Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Principal Architect: M. Ridwan Kamil
Project Team: Fahry Adhitya
Client: PT. Belaputera Intiland
Site Area: 8,000 sqm
Project Area: 970 sqm
Project Year: 2010
Photographs: Emilio Photoimagination
Location: Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Principal Architect: M. Ridwan Kamil
Project Team: Fahry Adhitya
Client: PT. Belaputera Intiland
Site Area: 8,000 sqm
Project Area: 970 sqm
Project Year: 2010
Photographs: Emilio Photoimagination
A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims—a place to kneel, stoop
one’s head and pray solemnly. Oftentimes, it is also used to carry out
various other religious activities.
The first thing that might
catch one’s attention about this mosque in Kota Baru Parahyangan (KBP)
is the absence of a dome, which is almost always a quintessential
characteristic of mosques. However, the architects have informed that
the dome is not a cultural/religious identity, hence not a necessity
when it comes to designing an Islamic place of worship.

The architecture of the KBP mosque is unique in that it uses stacked
stones as the main façade to create tectonic effect, while embedding
Islamic text/calligraphy on the facade as a graphic element and reminder

The primary shape of the mosque takes the form of a square, which seems
the most efficient since Muslims pray in straight rows facing a specific
direction or the Qiblah.The structural columns are arranged in such way
that the façade seems like it is not supported by any frame. This shape
also alludes to Ka’bah, the most important structure in the Islamic
world, to which all Muslims’ prayers are directed.

The tall pole-like structure next to the square building form is called
the minaret, an important element for mosque. It was used in the past
for someone to call out to all Muslims to prayer on top of the minaret
whenever prayer time has come. Today, the minaret still serves the same
function, except loudspeakers a– used instead. In a way, the minaret has
become an icon of mosques; anyone searching for a mosque can one from

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