Composed entirely from damaged PET bottles and an eclectic assortment of found bottle caps, CAPtivate is an innovative lamp designed by London based studio and gallery Lula Dot. A gorgeous re-use of recycled materials, the design took center stage at 100% Design as part of [re]design‘s “Lighten Up” exhibition.

Founded earlier this year by Lucy Norman, Lula Dot
explains that “only 5.5% of plastic bottles sold in the UK are
recycled, which leaves 40 thousand tons left that go into landfills
every year.” CAPtivate makes use of the unused bottle caps and has a unique ability to be continually re-created by changing the caps.

CAPtivate is made from damaged plastic PET bottles supplied by Artenius Packaging,
and features an assortment of bottle caps collected from the West Ham
football stadium! The lights are currently available for £115 (including
postage and packaging), and each light comes with approximately 40
bottle tops.
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