Designed by Glen Irani Architects
the Hover House 3 is the third in a series of Hover Houses, which aims
to reduce the amount of indoor living space by taking it outside. Each
Hover House "hovers" over the ground floor creating a protected outdoor
living space, thus reducing materials needed, but never at the sacrifice
of living space.

Located on the Venice Canals of Los Angeles, Hover House 3 conceived as a reinterpretation of interior and exterior space, the
series sets a standard in temperate regions for eliminating significant
portions of the interior floor by ‘hovering’ the building envelope above
the grade level. The design increases the overall square footage
afforded by the lot, while also decreasing the more costly and
resource-intensive interior floor. The exchange of built volumes for
exterior living equivalents, a wind tower that extends nine feet above
the roof (eliminates air conditioning), and other significant system
integrations aid in greatly reducing the overall carbon footprint.

In a city inundated with sprawl, the Hover House is not only novel in
its ability to meet programmatic desires and maximize space, but also in
its ability to be hedonistically sustainable. The notion that ‘going
green’ has to be one of sacrifice and banality is a claim the Hover
House readily refutes. The design optimizes the lived area in terms of
square footage, systems, flow, and resources. In addition it employs an
array of ‘green’ systems that create a symbiosis between the space and
dweller. This seamless dialogue created further enlivens the quality of
living ,and positions sustainability as a reward rather than an expense.

The three-bedroom, two-office, 2,500 sq ft home proposes that
interior living space be reduced by shifting to less resource-intensive
outdoor living. Situated on a tight lot, the home expands upwards
hovering over a large covered outdoor patio, which sits next to the
at-grade garage. Living space and bedrooms are located on the second and
third floors. By spending more time outdoors the owners can expect to
reduce energy costs, resources and their carbon footprint.

A life-cycle analysis was performed to determine which materials had less embodied energy, and the decision was made to use man-made slate panels, exposed concrete walls and radiant hydronic heating. The home’s design works to reduce environmental air and noise pollution. Additionally, a roof-mounted photovoltaic system offsets 80% of the home’s power demands.

Hover House 3 utilizes numerous sustainability-improved technologies.
Embodied energy analysis on major systems resulted in the use of
exterior man-made slate panels, exposed concrete walls and radiant
hydronic heating and many of the finishes. Natural ventilation is
carefully devised with proper window placements and a wind tower that
extend 9’ above the roof (the max allowed by code) in order to eliminate
air conditioning. Roof-mounted photovoltaic panels offset 80% of power

With the exception of interior wall paint, all interior
finishes are devised to last indefinitely so that future emissions from
finish replacements are minimized or eliminated.

Other sustainability studies aimed specifically at reducing field
application air and noise pollution, a little-recognized issue within
the sustainability equation. The use of tar-free, cold-applied roofing
and the panelized exterior which together eliminate significant amounts
of field-construction noise, VOC and CO emissions.

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