Sustainable Shelving Made from Cardboard

Companies like Coca-Cola are constantly running new promotions, pushing new products and tapping into new markets. Unfortunately, with all their new initiatives comes continually changing store displays that are needed to keep the brand fresh. With the constant renewal and disposal, these temporary store display create a real waste management headache for retailers and the earth. To help remedy the problem, Coca-Cola is taking an unusual step by asking US retailers to give back the shelves that hold its products. In fact, Coca-Cola is now developing a family of 100% recyclable merchandise display racks for use in US grocery and convenience stores they’ve dubbed the GIVE IT BACK racks.

The GIVE IT BACK racks are free-standing units made of easily recyclable corrugated cardboard, designed to communicate sustainability to shoppers. Part of a place to achieve a comprehensive closed-loop retail equipment program, the new standard will see Coca-Cola creating recyclable in-store merchandise racks that can be recovered, reused and/or recycled – an industry first.


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