Designer: Natalia Romanova
These lamps, Romanova plans, will have a metal spine, concrete base,
recycled plastic panels, LED-arrays, elastic solar panels, and will be
fitted with an alarm panel. The alarm panel will be reactive to signal
emitters similar to those that activate stoplights activated by
emergency vehicles presently. It will also react and shine according to
volume and movement -because Romanova found that 43% of accidents in
cities occur due to animal-related incidents, these alarm lights will
twinkle when a scanner on the lamp detects volume movement more than 20
kg. Other spacial events will be detected and blinked about such as car
accidents in the area.
The lamp will have electricity plugs for
electro-cars. The power will come from something Romanova calls a
“Global Electricity System” which collaboration system across all nations working together to share
generated electricity.

Romanova style of solar street lights are looking good. It uses the solar energy, so that it doesn't need any extra electricity. It gets charged from solar lights during day and glows at night.
Solar Led Street Lights
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