Volcano Stadium Chivas – Omnilife
Guadalajara, Mexique 2009
Guadalajara, Mexique 2009
It’s built on top of the mountain. Or at least it’s made to seem as though it must be. Plush-ed out and ready to house the sacred game for whatever team doth so deserve such a heavenly house. Guadalajara – 2009.

Volcano Stadium
Chivas – Omnilife
Guadalajara, Mexique 2009
Stade de football
Inauguration prevue en 2009
Surface: 110,000 m2
Capacite: 42,250 places

340 suites (3500 places)
Chivas club (500 places)
2 magasins
50 buvettes
1 restaurant
1 coiffeur
1 musee
1 espace de jeux (pour 450 enfants)
1 parc de skateboard
1 parking (750 voitures)
100 M us $

Architecture technique: HOK+SVE
Structure: Luis Bozzo Estructuras SL
Structure: Luis Bozzo Estructuras SL

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